Amparo Online Training Course

For the use of the Confidence Socket

In this online course, you will learn all there is to know about preparing, fitting and modifying Confidence Sockets. 

You will also be given the opportunity to perform your first fitting on an amputee with one of our trainers, and also to perform a remolding of the socket.

The ultimate goal of this training course it to provide you with the theoretic and practical know-how to fit and use the Confidence Socket at your clinic.

Course Structure

Great news! The Confidence Socket Training Course is completely free. Once you make an account with us you can start right away with a 2 part training process.


In this section you will watch a series of 5 videos specifically scripted and designed to give you the theoretical knowledge you need, before fitting your first Confidence Socket.

This part of the training should last around 1 hour. You will have unlimited access to this content for your future referral.


In this second section you will, together with one of our Amparo Trainers, perform your first practice fitting. 

This gives you the opportunity to demonstrate what you learned in the theory part of the training and also the possibility to make mistakes in a secure environment, where errors can be immediately rectified.